Friday 26 February 2016

Software Overview

Computer software, or just software, is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's  processor to perform specific operations. 
Computer software is a set of programs, procedures, functions, associated data and/or its documentation

Thursday 25 February 2016

Software Testing Real time Training (Manual & Automation)

Software testing program

  • Software Overview and Types.
  • CMM (Capability Maturity Model) – Level Companies.
  • Project Designations.
  • SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
                     *        Testing Basics and Principles.
                     *        Levels of Testing.
                     *        Testing Process (Verification and Validation).
                     *        Test Design Techniques & Types.
                     *        STLC [Software Testing life Cycle].
                     *        Bug Life Cycle (or) Defect Tracking Process.
                     *        Project Development Methodologies.
                     *        Test Design Documents and Contents.

                    *       Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
                      *         Financial.
*        Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
*         Business Relationship Management (BRM).
DataBase Management
*          SQL.
Automation Tools
*        QTP / UFT (Quick Test Professional / Unified Functional Testing).
*        Selenium with Java.
Testing FrameWorks
*         Cucumber
*        TestNG
TestManagement Tools
*        QC / ALM – (Quality Center / Application Lifecycle Management -- Test management Tool
*       Jira

*        BugZilla

Testing Rule